Sad Poem About Loneliness And Depression

If I don’t stay in this world,
No one would know, I would never be heard,
I am only known to my room’s wall,
In this lonely world, I rarely hear a friendly call,
My relations seems burden on me,
But I can’t run as there is no other shelter I see,
Friends have their own reasons to evolve,
Some seek attention, others are losers in love,
I don’t complain, as they are my fare for two loving moments,
I laugh, play, act, try to hold those few seconds,
But as they leave, I feel vacant and lonely,
Left to be crushed I am only,
No letter, no birthday gifts, no greetings,
No messages, no rings, no heavenly blessings,
If I don’t stay in this world,
No one would know, I would never be heard,
Never found a hand to hold,
I tried hard, but never got a heart to own,
Loved a girl who left me for a ridiculous reason,
I cried hard but was alone in that tribulation,
Still, remember her, that’s the curse of first love,
Her face got imprinted in my mind,
Try to find her in every girl,
Sometimes my starved eyes stare for beautiful faces,
It is not my fault, as I never scented any feminine tresses,
Why they slurred me as coarsely swine?
If nothing in my life has ever gone fine,
If I don’t stay in this world,
No one would know, I would never be heard.
If I would disappear one night,
No one would know as they would be sleeping tight,
No one would cry, no one would be hurt,
If I will leave them without saying a word,
My friends may speak a line or two about me,
mostly describing me silly and clumsy,
In a week or month, I would be forgotten from their brain,
After a year or so, they would hardly remember my name,
In my storyteller friend’s upcoming story,
There might be a small line describing me,
“There was a lonely boy,
who was never loved…”
Read other sad poems:
My Daily Rhapsody