Sleepless Nights

a Sleepless girl looks at night sky

Sleepless…sleepless again,
Another long night,
It’s me back to the same old tragedy of
my bloodless fight,
Eyes wouldn’t close,
It’s late and cigarettes are being burned in rows,

Happiness is not cheap anymore,
It’s pricey and doesn’t stay for long,
The problem is, I can see my downfall from a mile
and still heading that way,
Who says I have free will?
All I do is what others say,

Love? Friendship? Work?
Seem just meaningless words,
Maybe they are just some silly reasons to pass another day,
Then this long night, I need some more words
or this restlessness won’t go away,

I can only hope that I sleep before these cigarettes perish,
Or maybe it’s just my another unfathomable wish,
Why I am like this?
Why I can’t close my eyes and see what everybody sees?
Meddled with thoughts of wrongs and rights,
It’s another of my sleepless nights…
– N2S