You Belong To Me

couple in love
“You know how I feel when I am around you,
But you still don’t know how much it hurts when I am not around you”

I don’t want to appear heartbroken,
Please don’t feel sad, perhaps you are mistaken,
It’s just I miss you so much that it hurts a lot,
Life sucks without you and you aren’t even aware of that,

I miss our late night talks on the phone;
And the countless, dumb things we said just not to stop conversing,
The eyes would get sleepy but the fingers wouldn’t stop typing,
You are the last thing on my mind before sleep,
And you are the first person I want to hear in the morning,
I miss how even a minuscule “Hi” from you would make me smile,
The food tastes good and the euphoria stays for a while,
I re-read our conversations when you are not around,
Checking if I have said something weird or unsound,

I still remember, how terrified I was when I said I really like you,
I was afraid that perhaps I would lose you,
But I had to say it as I couldn’t take all that in me,
I thought my heart would burst and you would never know what killed me,
Now you know how I feel when I am around you,
But you still don’t know how much it hurts when I am not around you,
I wish you feel the pain which I am going through,
But I ain’t cruel like you,

I hate myself for not being able to hate you,
You are such a good liar but why I still love you?
I repeat I don’t want to sound heartbroken,
Please don’t feel sad, you are not the reason,
I am lying, these words mean nothing,
If you find tears in my eyes, I assure you I ain’t crying,
Don’t tou

Perhaps I am really terrible at lying,
I miss you plenty, I couldn’t do more denying,
If these words mean anything to you or
if you feel even an infinitely small fraction of what I feel about you,
Just come right away and hug me tightly,
And whisper in my ear,”You belong to me…”


ज़िक्र कर लेना ज़रा सा (Jikr Kar Lena Zara Sa)

crops and sunset
“ना मिलने पर कोई जवाब, जो तुम्हे रोना आए,
तो फ़िक्र करना, फ़िक्र करना तुम ज़रा सा,”

सुनहरी धान के खेतों से बहती हवा जो,
शाम को खुद में बाँधकर लाए,
सूरज थककर जो बैठे साँस लेने को,
और रात अपनी बाँहों में तुझे भरने को आए,
मेरा ज़िक्र कर लेना, मेरा ज़िक्र कर लेना ज़रा सा,

तुम जो बैठो छत पर बालों को सहलाते हुए,
और ठंडी हवा तुमको छु जाए,
भीगो जो तुम बारिश में अपनी नीली चप्पल में,
और बूंदे तुम्हारा बदन नम कर जाए,
मुझे सोचना तुम, मुझे सोचना तुम ज़रा सा,

(Read another sad poem: राह में वो टकरा गयी)

चलो तुम सड़कों पर, बैठो जो बस में,
ढूँढे जो तुम्हारी आँखे मुझे, गुज़रे लम्हे तुम्हे याद आयें,
हाथ तरसे थामने को मेरी बाँहें,
और तुम्हे मेरी नादानियाँ याद आयें,
तो मेरी राह तकना, मेरी राह ताकना ज़रा सा,

जो कभी तुम मेरा रास्ता देखो,
मुझे हो देर और तुम्हारा दिल घबराए,
माँगना खुदा से मेरी सलामती, माँगना थोड़ी मोहल्लत,
ना मिलने पर कोई जवाब जो तुम्हे रोना आए,
तो फ़िक्र करना, फ़िक्र करना तुम ज़रा सा,

जो मैं कभी ना लौटू,
और मेरा जिस्म मेरा आँखरी खत लाए,
मेरी कब्र पर दो फूल रख देना,
शायद वो मुझे जन्नत में मिल जाए,
कभी ऐसे ही किसी दिन याद करके मुझे,
रो लेना, रो लेना तुम ज़रा सा…


[Photo by Aperture Vintage on Unsplash]

You Were Once My Girl

girl sitting alone
“It was just a game, where I meant nothing”

All I wanted was an innocent love story,
but you turn out to be the bad girl,
I didn’t realize but you were just playing me the fool;
you never understood my love,
you didn’t know what I went through,
you didn’t know the things I did to be with you,
all you cared about yourself,
your phony, fake, self-created sorry self,

You told me you were heartbroken,
I thought you would know how it feels when something dear gets taken,
but you didn’t even have a little decency,
for you, it was just a game, where I meant nothing,
perhaps you don’t deserve me, or anyone nice for that matter,
coz you don’t know a thing about love,
and how hard it feels when someone leaves you shattered,

You will never understand what is true love,
and I was the stupid who was trying to teach you that word,
just go wherever you want to go,
do whatever you want to do,
I don’t care about you anymore, I am done with you,
but just stay safe, you may be a fool but you were once my girl,
who I really really loved…


[Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash]

बचपन (Childhood)

“बारिश में जो मैं निकलूं,
बीघे बसतों में बचपन गुन्छे”

बस यूँही ऐसे, कोई ना कुछ पूछें,
बारिश में जो मैं निकलूं,
बीघे बसतों में बचपन गुन्छे,
सड़क पर दौड़ुँ, जूतों में गीले मोजे,
चश्मे पर पानी की बूंदे, जुल्फे माथे को ढक लें,
मेरे यार का टूटा बैट, चलो साथ मिलकर गेंद ढूँढे,
हाथ छोड़कर की साइकल की सवारी,
घुटने की चोट पर डेटोल और रुई लगाई,

सफेद पन्नो पर सिहाई फैले,
छोटू मेरे बिस्तर को फिर गीला करे,
धूप में सूखने को आम की कैरी रखी,
डॅडी की तीन रुपए की बीड़ी से मिले दो रुपये छूटे,
शाम को गुज़रे जो आइस-क्रीम वाले का ठेला,
लेना है लाल बर्फ का गोला,
गुलाबी होंठों का लाल रंग,
सिर्फ़ दो पल ठहरे,
छत पर करना है टीवी का अंटीना सीधा,

पड़ोस में मोटू अंकल की बेटी की दोमुँही चोटी,
हँसती है जो करके आँखे छोटी-छोटी,
ना जाने क्यूँ अच्छा लगता है उसे मेरी पीठ पर चढ़ जाना,
मेरे बाल बिगाड़कर मेरे गाल खींचना,
दौड़ने में टूटी मेरे चप्पल की फिती,
ना जाने कब आएगी सनडे की छुट्टी,
गर्मियों में जामुन के पेड़ों पर हमारी वानर सेना टूटी,
नये किताबों की खुशबु मीठी मीठी,

टीचर का डाँटकर मुर्गा बनाना
अच्छी लगती है रिसेस की घंटी,
टिफिन में मैगी नही तो जाम और रोटी,
रात को मम्मी की गोद में ना जाने कब नींद आए,
की कल सुबह फिर निकलना है, बिना किसी से पुछे…


Maks Is An Idiot

Four best friends sitting together
“we still don’t know what we are doing, what to do with the life”

Here he goes again, the second time of the week and he goes again,
Monday or Friday, new year or last year, he is all the same,
lying a few feet from the door,
some empty bottles and a diamond ring on the floor,
his life is a mess, it is full of shit,
shut up everyone, Maks is an idiot,

Saturday night, one more day on Delhi streets,
We all are hanging out on CP, I am giving the treat,
the occasion, I don’t remember clearly,
Maks getting the job, I am quitting, it could be any,

Sitting on the stairs of some gaudy mall,
they all look the same, nothing special to recall,
I don’t watch girls anymore, particularly for love,
it doesn’t matter now, I am already hurt by that word,
but he still believes in the love that should be true,
even when he never had one or perhaps never heard I love you,

Another friend got married last month, would be kissing his wife,
we still don’t know what we are doing, what to do with the life,
career heading nowhere,
no one to guide, don’t know how to reach there,
parents want something that he doesn’t want to do,
He knows life would be easier then, but it isn’t what he belongs to,
times are changing, everything changing around,
friends are settling, nesting, having kids but he is going round and round,

Still standing where he was five years ago,
one step up and countless there to go,
but he believes we will be always like that,
a lot good at heart and a little flawed,
his life is a mess, it is full of shit,
shut up everyone, Maks is an idiot,

Watching girls, cute, pretty, long or short,
debating if they are hot or not,
Watching someone cuddling with someone,
we miss someone, he remembers someone,
Here he goes again, the second time of the week,
he has done it again,

Beers for me and others, he is settling for RC,
quacking at first, arguing later and then mumbling something shitty,
for all things he would say, he will not remember any,
we all are lost, we all are intoxicated,
landing on a shop of lingerie, oops I mean jewelry,
the salesgirl from North-East is really pretty,
she smiles, we drool and end up with a diamond ring,

He has lost his “imagination” a long time ago,
knows that life is full of highs and low,
perhaps it’s just a matter of time,
till life teaches us the way to live or we make it dance on our rhyme,
for now, we are happy together, we are alone,
He has a sweet dream, someone waiting somewhere unknown,

Two more pegs, now it’s not he who is talking,
I am still wondering who actually bought that ring,
sorry, sister, he has done it again,
there is no point in trying, he will not remain the same,
Shouldn’t life be a memorable journey?
Some best friends, a cute love and a lot messy,
Yeah, his life is a mess, it is full of shit,
shut up everyone, Maks is an idiot…

Where is my ATM, morons?

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